🇨🇦 Based in Vancouver, BC

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Our Story

FLUSTER is the game that makes friends out of strangers and reveals things you never knew about your closest friends!

A smiling woman holding a hand of FLUSTER cards


FLUSTER was created by two friends, Devon and Walker, after a memorable experience Devon had several years ago. He was sitting naked in a natural hot spring with two old friends and a few strangers. One of the strangers was a man who loved to travel the world, and he asked the group a handful of unusual questions that he had asked people all throughout his travels.

The two founders of FLUSTER with their arm around each other

In the course of the night, these questions revealed things Devon never would have learned about his close friends. Not only that, the whole group bonded, and spent the next couple days together. Weeks later, he was still thinking about that night, and he told Walker about the experience.

Making it a Reality

Together, Devon and Walker started thinking about the ways they could spark these moments for themselves and their community (without a magical naked man, starry night sky, and natural hot spring). The project was born: find ways to create opportunities for human connection and personal insights.

A FLUSTER box on a table with a group of people toasting in the background

The key was creating questions that unearthed unspoken thoughts, feelings that get pushed to the side, and the parts of life that rarely come up in conversation otherwise. It started as a stack of Post-it Notes, then one homemade deck, then 10, then 100, and so on. Friends and family wanted them, and Walker and Devon knew the need existed in the world for fun ways to connect on a deeper level. Launched with a successful Kickstarter campaign, the FLUSTER community is now growing around the world.

What is FLUSTER?

A truly memorable conversation is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, it’s rare for those conversations to happen organically. It seems to take the perfect alchemy of the right group of people in the right situation (with the right amount of wine). But what if it didn’t? What if you could foster truly memorable conversations whenever you wanted? That’s the promise of FLUSTER.

Two women in the front seat of a car holding FLUSTER cards

FLUSTER is based around a deck of 100 unusual questions that inspire thought-provoking conversations and hilarious stories. Sometimes people will start discussing a question, and then two hours later remember that they were playing a game at all. That's exactly how we want FLUSTER to be played: however you like.

As Seen In

A book with the title "INNOVATE VANCOUVER"

Innovate Vancouver

Profile of Fluster Creations Inc.

A picture of woman with the title "Christina Martin: A Chat with Heart Podcast"

A Chat With Heart

Podcast interview with Devon and Walker

A black and white logo with the text "Z95.3 FM"

The Kid Carson Show

Radio interview with Devon and Walker

A logo with an illustrated jester and the text "Gifts & Supplies for Card Players"

Gifts for Card Players

Review of FLUSTER

A logo with an astronaut helmet underwater

The Chuggernauts

Review of FLUSTER

A low-fidelity image of a person using a jackhammer, with the text "Boing Boing a Directory of Wonderful Things"

Boing Boing

Article about FLUSTER